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Manifest like a magician

It all starts with your beliefs. If you dont believe you are worthy of all that you desire you will not attract that which you desire but the complete opposite. We are always in a state of manifesting but by setting your intentions and practicing powerful techniques we can set the stage for our manifestations…

The Power of Affirmations

Its incredible the amount of thoughts that surpass the human mind an our experiences each and every moment. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. -Louise Hay- Evidence-based research shows that affirmations, actually rewire the brain on a cellular level. You may be consumed by your thoughts but in reality…

Find Your Yoga Style

When i first discovered that yoga is not just about movement and stretching ive learned to embrace all different ways to practice yoga for the many different results i was seeking. I found myself on my mat more times a day than i can count. When a headache arose i found relief through yoga. If…

2022 Numerology Forecast

Every year is filled with stories. Every month is a new chapter. Through acknowledging numbers we can better understand what this year has in store. We are walking on our destined path, you were born in this era not the past. Not in the 1800s but in the 20th century. Therefor we have different approaches…

Discover your role through Numerology

Numerology is a Self-help tool used to discover your sole purpose, challenges and insight on your path. We are all on a road of self-discovery and always evolving each moment towards our fullest potential. Numerology much like Astrology, reveals parts of your soul and others that is fresh and inspiring ! Here we will uncover…

What is Numerology & How Your Life Can Change

Numerology is an ancient study of numbers and letters. Numbers when broken down plays a significant role in our lives, destiny and characteristics. Each number holds a certain vibration which creates patterns in our lives. If you take a second to reflect on numbers, you will realize we have 1-9 representing the beginning at number…

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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti – Peace

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